So, the main reason this pack isn’t higher for me, is the potential it missed. On top of this, another community request, spiral stairs, would have been create for this pack also. It would have made more sense to add bunk beds, which the community has been crying out for. They occupy the same amount of space as a normal bed so really saves no space. The biggest disappointment with this this pack for me, is the Murphy Beds. This is great pack for fans of building, with some stunning build/buy items that will suit almost any build. If you chose to create a tiny house lot, you only have a set number tiles you can build on, but in return you get some handy lot bonuses. The pack introduces some cool game play in the form of tiny houses. The most recent pack released as of writing this post is quite a decent one. (** This list only contains packs up until this posts written date of February 2020, any later packs will not be in this list) Stuff Packs 5. If you’re new to the Sims and want to know where to start, hopefully this article will point you in the right direction! The number of items you get goes up with each type of pack, with Expansion packs giving you the most content. The Sims 4 has 3 types of packs: Stuff packs, Game packs, and Expansion packs. So, to celebrate the anniversary I thought I’d do a post ranking my top 5 Favorite Sims Packs from The Sims 4, the latest game in the series. Recently, it was the 20 th anniversary of The Sims franchise! The series is now in it’s fourth iteration and seems to have no intentions of slowing down.