Metal gear 2 map
Metal gear 2 map

metal gear 2 map

Most of the data is exactly the same but for any PS3 specific question you may have, please use the Trophy Guide and Roadmap in the PS3 Forums. This is not a comprehensive Trophy Guide for the PS3 version of the game. Like the PS3 version, the two difficult parts of the game are clearing all of the VR Missions and collecting most of the dog tags. One difference that doesn't carry over is the 720p resolution glitch that was in the EU/PAL version of the game. This is an exact copy of the PS3 version, trophies and all the only difference is the controls between the two consoles. The PS3 version is an upscaling of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Substance that was released back on the PS2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD (Vita) is a Vita version of Metal Gear Solid 2:Sons of Liberty HD that was released on Playstation 3. Bernard, Who Ya Gonna Call?, Moving Day, Complete Stealth, Great Dane

  • Number of Missable Trophies: 12 - Sexting, Johnny On the Spot, Vamp Eyer, Yorkie, Beagle, Poodle, Shiba Inu, St.
  • Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: 5+.
  • Approximate time to /100%: 40 - 60+ Hours.

  • Metal gear 2 map